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Back to Work

When I was a little girl and strangers would ask (as they often did), "What would you like to be when you grow up?" I remember on a few occasions blurting out an answer like, a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor - the usual. As I got older and became more self-aware, my career path strayed from typical and began to lean towards my interests and hobbies (pastry chef, photographer, fashion journalist, singer). Eventually I was directed towards helping children and youth in need- those who were at risk, victimized and often labeled negatively. The process of learning how to best service this population was an exciting one, and I learned so much more than I had imagined, further growing my desire to help young people..

A few years into my career, I was shifted towards one of the best jobs ever- mother. This job didn’t pay the same, but the reward was greater. As a current “stay at home mom,” I am often busy, yet very content with this position. My husband, however, is ready for me to get a new paying position. I can still maintain my title as Mom, but with a saving plan in mind to support more kids in our future, getting back to work is closer than I had imagined. So many mothers dread this moment, and I never thought I would be one of them. Working full-time, however, is the best way to ensure our goals are met faster. I have some mommy friends who have no desire to work outside of the home, and it’s amazing all of the opportunities that are out there for Work at Home Moms. I love to bake, and I was baking custom cakes and cupcakes for a while as a great side-hustle. But with a little one constantly on the move, it makes it a lot harder to make sure you don’t accidently mix my breast milk into the buttercream (I promise this never happened LOL). But what if you aren’t the sewing, DIY-er, baking, story book writing type of mom-prenuer? A side-hustle can seem unattainable, right? Wrong!


Making money simply by using the very items you have watched your child outgrow is an awesome option. FlyBaby is a company that provides moms who want to have a little side-hustle an opportunity to rent baby items to other moms that may be traveling with a baby. FlyBaby allows mothers to list items for rent in their local city, and travelling mommies can simply check the availability of various items on the app to rent for their trip.. I know when I go to my mom’s house, I leave toys and clothing and other necessities there so I don’t have to worry about carrying it. The extra load can just be extra annoying! FlyBaby provides a similar concept except - YOU MAKE MONEY! It’s really such an awesome opportunity. It not only allows you to partner with Flybaby, but you get to build a supportive community with other mothers.

As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child! I know that’s what will keep me going as I re-enter the workforce. So why not contribute to the village, and get your items up for rent and help another mommy out! I’d love to hear any tips for going back to work and also comment below your thoughts of this great opportunity. What’s your side-hustle?!

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